Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to stop biting my nails?

I have been trying to grow my nails long for a while now.But in th end i bite them.What are some tips to grow long nails.How to stop biting my nails?
go to the nail salon and get them doneHow to stop biting my nails?
There's some clear nail polish at the pharmacy that has a REALLY bitter taste, so you'll stop biting them. Good luck! I tried stopping biting my nails a few years ago, too, but then gave up. I've too much of a stressful life to stop biting my nails- it wasn't worth it. :D
Buy some nail polish that are made specifically for nail biters. It's clear and it has a bitter taste to it. I doubt after tasting you will bite your nails still. You can get the nail polish at CVS, Walmart, etccc.
here how u can stop biting ur nails


i used to bite my nails all the time but i still do sometimes
Use Nivea hand cream.

And put something nasty tasting on them.

That will put you off them.
Chew gum, it worked for me; it can work for you. :]

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